Thai Massages Escape

Your escape from stress and tension in the world of traditional Thai massage


Explore the range of massages and rituals.

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Gift vouchers

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Why choose Escape?

Today’s busy world demands a lot from us. To cope with everyday tasks, we need to give the body a proper rest. Thai massages are a traditional and time-proven relaxation method.

At Escape, we will provide you with an escape from everyday stress and tension in the heart of Prague. In addition to traditional Thai massages, we offer special rituals combining aromatherapy and facial treatments.

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Reference návštěvníků

I received a gift certificate for my birthday. It was my first experience with Thai massage. I left satisfied and relaxed. I especially appreciate the individual approach and clean environment.

- Katerina Š. -

I liked the rituals the most in Escape. Depending on the current mood, I alternate between Tranquillity and Aloe Vera Mist. I can recommend both procedures. The masseuses are nice and smiling, as are the reception staff.

- Margaret H. -

I regularly go for a sports massage, which helps me recover after training. I am satisfied with the services. I like the easy online booking and the location in the center of Prague.

- Pavel V. -

Beautiful salon with experienced masseuses. My daughter and I regularly go here for an aroma massage. We like that they use quality, natural products. We plan to try facial treatments as well.

- Valentina V. -

I tried several places in Prague, but Thai massage suits me best at Escape. The masseuses can really press down on request. Nice environment, soothing music, and a cup of tea at the end. Satisfaction for me.

- Robert S. -

Give yourself the gift of rest

Do you want to relieve your loved one of stress and tension? Delight them with a gift voucher to our salon. Vouchers are packed in elegant envelopes. We will deliver them anywhere in the Czech Republic.

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